by Charles Hayes

Click on hyperlinks (in color) for excerpts
Note to the Reader
1. The Psychedelic [in] Society: A Brief Cultural History of Tripping
2. Basic Features of the Psychedelic Experience
3. Methodology and Perspectives Used in the Making of This Book
1. Aaron: Trawling the ghost stream
2. Alice Dee: Highway to the sky: The road seen only by the dreamer
3. Anne Waldman: Point and click: Icons in the window to the ancestral manse
4. Brendan: Pealing faces
5. Bruce Eisner: Dazed in the desert at the end of time
6. Carl: The wat of the world
7. Charles Hayes: Eat the moment (and other stories)
8. Charlie: That’s when I realized I was out of my senses
9. Clark Heinrich: Heaven (and another story)
10. Daniel: I realized I was dead
11. Dennis: They don’t show you all this on the top of the mountain just to destroy you on the way down
12. Fiona: Unbridled
13. George: Saved by the belle (and other stories)
14. Gregory: Sinister toys and the Internet of souls
15. Henry Bass: Hallucinating the horror of sobriety
16. Herbie Greene: Ride the snake and break on through [or] crashing the snake dance
17. Jack: Everybody looked like an invertebrate
18. James: Hell’s den and Pan’s glen (and another story)
19. Jarl: An early absolution
20. Jason: The orgasm death dance (and other stories)
21. Jeremy: The shlomus: The price of a moment’s doubt
22. John Perry Barlow: My first trip
23. Julian: An awakening from within
24. Kate Coleman: Then the emotions started happening
25. Keely Stahl: The menacing orgasm the almost melted me away
26. Keith: First communion with life
27. Kenny: How can I die if I’m not here? (and other stories)
28. Kevin: To either die or come
29. Lena: I’ve definitely been psychotic
30. Leonard Gibson: Portals of flame, petals of the lotus flower
31. Leonard Mercado: Psychedelic terra firma
32. Malcolm: The Psychedelic is the Creator
33. Marcel: Is this a trap or a welcome?
34. Mark: Sounding the black box of the subconscious
35. Mark Fischer: Over the spillway
36. Matthew S. Kent: Maha maya: The V in my path
37. Megan: A blink of rabbit fur
38. Paul Devereux: Do I want to be seeing this?
39. Peter: Everything else was normal
40. Philip Cooper: The Cathedral of Saint Pedro the Divine
41. Reverend Marianne: The vision made it real (and other stories)
42. Robert Bell: I had a theory who I was (and another story)
43. Robert Charles Wilson: The immigrant’s landing
44. Ruth: The apostate’s homecoming
45. Sarah: Our Lady of the Eastern Star
46. Stephen Kessler: The initiate
47. Steve Silberman: The organismic display monitor
48. Steven Martin Cohen: A thousand cruise missiles pointed straight at my brain stem
49. Terry: Loosing the hounds of war
50. Tim Page: Memoirs of an acid-salved war photographer
Appendix: A Concise Index of Psychedelic Substances
Bibliography and Resources